A Short Story

She is starting to dress up, go to the hair saloons, try to look beautiful. Not because she wants to hear the praise, but it makes her feel better. Things are always seem easier when she feels smart, powerful & beautiful.

She is trying to find the answers of the infidelity, resentment, rejection, objection that have been sucking up her whole being, as a woman, a mother, a wife. She refused to feel like a straining wet dog not knowing where to go. Searching for a place called home.

The feeling of being rejected is still lingering. You can taste the bitterness of agony in every inch of your pallets. She is unconsciously choosing  to be with someone who is only capable of pseudo relationship instead of with someone who really falls for her...if there is any.

All she wants is someone to lean on, someone who can make the call and tell her that everything's going to be alright. That she is not alone and hold her hands tightly to make sure that she will not fall, that nobody can hurt her anymore. That she is safe. That she is home.


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