The Awakening

When a successful New York advertising executive (Will Smith) suffers a great tragedy, he retreats from life. While his concerned friends try desperately to reconnect with him, he seeks answers from the universe by writing letters to Love, Time and Death. When his notes bring unexpected personal responses, he begins to understand how these constants interlock in a life fully lived and how even the deepest loss can reveal moments of meaning and beauty.

Collateral Beauty

Gw percaya bahwa there is no such thing as coincidence. Bahwa semua sudah dituliskan oleh Allah, bahwa there is jalan hidup, there is path of life, there is maktub. Tapi Allah juga menjanjikan bahwa ada doa yang bisa merubah jalan hidup. Jadi mintalah padaNya.

Beberapa hari yang lalu, gw nonton Collateral Beauty sama temen2. Di saat itu, gw merasa ada message dalam film itu buat gw, tapi gw ga tau apa. 

Pagi subuh ini, gw dibangunkan dari mimpi yang sangat ga enak, universe has poked me. Hard. Tepat di tanggal 31 Desember 2016.

Bukan mimpi buruk, jadi boleh di share, kata adik gw nightmare ga boleh diceritain. Gw mimpi dengan lokasi di Bandung dan situasi entah mahasiswa atau apapun ga jelas. Gw berusaha untuk ketemu sama the love of my life tapi susah banget. Lalu ada cewe lain yang bukan cewe dia, but I can smell the rivalry, yang terus ada di sampingnya. Terus gw mau janjian lunch, tapi ditinggal, lalu gw yang ngejar2 dia dengan hati yang super sedih mempertanyakan, kenapa cewe itu bisa duduk di sebelah dia padahal dia bukan cewenya dan jelas dia suka sama dia dan malahan gw yang disuruh berlari mengejarnya?

Lalu gw bangun. Dan sadar. Langsung berdoa. Cukup sudah mimpi buruk dalam kehidupan nyata ini berakhir. I have been living in my own nighmare for years like a walking dead zombie.

Selama ini Allah keeps on hinting me that I deserve the best man,that I belong in the first class, that I deserve the best position, that I deserve to be protected and to be loved. Allah sent me to the best schools in the US, gave me the hardest, rarest cases yang orang2 belum tentu bisa handle, but why do I keep on believing that I am just a mediocre woman bahkan rata dengan tanah, who doesn't deserve the best of the best? Iya gw kena cuci otak selama 15 tahun, tapi sudah saatnya to brush it off my brain, my heart and my soul. God saves me by taking him away from my life. I was born as a princess and everybody can read it in my first name. That is also a sign from the universe.

Why do I waste my heart and my time? Gw ga perlu lagi panik dan marah2 seperti dalam mimpi gw untuk mengejar the love of my life, because he is mine. Mine. Now it is all up to you, my sayang. I have done my part. It is time for you to do yours, babe.

I deserve to be in a much better place. 

“We are travelers on a cosmic journey,stardust,swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share.This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.

 Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist




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